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Terminology for Issues, Bills, and Advocacy Teams

UULM-MD has traditionally identified which “issues” it deems priorities for each Maryland General Assembly Session. These issues have also corresponded to Issue Task Forces created to support the advocacy efforts of these priority issues. We have identified some confusions that this terminology has created, given that a broad “issue” like Climate Change or Criminal Justice may involve several goals, each with multiple bills. In addition, we have found that even some broad “issues” like Health Care may not have a specific advocacy effort on legislation every year (such as when the Affordable Care Act passed at the Federal level, and our efforts shifted to monitoring its implementation in our state). Also, “Task Force” and “Chair” imply a group effort, but most of our advocacy has been spearheaded by one person on each issue, without a collaborative group.


Below is the Task Force Working Group’s recommended  terminology to clarify what we mean when talking about our advocacy efforts in a given year. Boldface signifies new terms or understandings. These recommendations were adopted by the Board on July 15, 2021.



The effectiveness of UULM-MD’s statewide advocacy work is impossible without the involvement of UUs and other Marylanders.


Phone: 410-266-8044

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For more information on all UU groups working for social justice, the UUSC provides the following link showing the UU Social Justice Universe.

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Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland c/o Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, UULM-MD Copyright ©2021. All Rights Reserved.
333 Dubois Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 | 410-266-8044  |

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