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“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Write Your Lawmakers
Climate Change
The Better Buildings Act (SB 804 / HB 973)-
This was originally a component of the Climate Solutions Now Act which was pulled out at the last minute. The bill would require all new homes and buildings in the state to be built to produce zero scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions.
Use the Button Below to Write Your lawmaker And Ask Them to Support SB 804/ HB 973
Transportation is Maryland's #1 source of climate pollution and the second largest expense behind housing. Maryland families deserve more affordable, accessible, and sustainable transportation choices. By prioritizing projects that expand public transit and active transportation infrastructure, the Climate and Transportation Alignment Act will ensure that every Marylander has equitable access to opportunities like jobs, education, and healthcare.
Use the Button Below to Write Your lawmaker And Ask Them to Support SB 395/HB 84
This bill focuses on increasing the sources of clean energy in Maryland. It covers batteries, solar, offshore wind, land-based wind, hydro, nuclear, and Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Reform. This is a very technical and “wonky” bill.
Use the Button Below to Write Your lawmaker And Ask Them to Support HB 398/SB316
A $900M per year fee on 40 historical carbon polluters to pay for climate mitigation and adaptation. This bill would assess a fee of $1B per year for 9 years from the top 40 worldwide sources of greenhouse gases.
Use the Button Below to Write Your lawmaker And Ask Them to Support HB 128/Sb149
Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration for Improving our Shared Health (CHERISH) Our Communities Act (SB 978) -
Lack of oversight has allowed the aggregation of polluting industries and facilities in specific places allowing MD natural habitats and underserved populations to be overexposed to pollution. This legislation will give the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) the authority to approve, alter, or deny a permit based on an Environmental Justice Score, and an assessment of other permits and the underlying sociodemographic characteristics of the community.
Use the Button Below to Write Your lawmaker And Ask Them to Support SB 978
Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for
All Marylanders Now Act (HB 424/SB 357) -
Expand the Prescription Drug Affordability Board with authority to make limits on high drug costs to all Marylanders (currently only applies to state and local government employees.
Use the Button Below to Write Your lawmaker And Ask Them to Support SB 357
HB 1006 - Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Guidelines and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act)
Maryland’s House of Delegates, responding to the Trump Administration's rescission of Department of Homeland Security policy proscribing ICE and CBP agents from entering areas defined as sensitive and safe, has introduced HB1006, the Protecting Sensitive Locations Act. The bill requires the Attorney General to develop guidance, methods and procedures for areas such as schools, hospitals, other health facilities, social service agencies, courthouses about how to deal with ICE or CBP agents entering or attempting to enter such spaces.
Please check out the National Immigration Law Center has prepared a comprehensive fact sheet from which you may be able to develop testimony in favor of the bill.
Use the Button Below to Write Your lawmaker And Ask Them to Support SB 1006
HB 1222 - End 287g Agreements -
These Intergovernmental Service Agreements, named for the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act—allows the Department of Homeland Security to enter into formal, written agreements with local political entities to deputize local law enforcement officers to serve as federal immigration agents.
Currently, three Maryland counties have such agreements: Cecil, Frederick and Harford.
SB 977\HB 1431 - Maryland Data Privacy Act
While we were able to enact legislation to stop the Motor Vehicles Administration of sharing its data with ICE to identify people through their driver licenses, schools and some other state agencies still share data with ICE.
We want to end this practice.
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