Protect Sensitive Locations (HB 1006)/SB 828) - Maryland’s House of Delegates, responding to the Trump Administration's rescission of Department of Homeland Security policy proscribing ICE and CBP agents from entering areas defined as sensitive and safe, has introduced HB1006, the Protecting Sensitive Locations Act. The bill requires the Attorney General to develop guidance, methods and procedures for areas such as schools, hospitals, other health facilities, social service agencies, courthouses about how to deal with ICE or CBP agents entering or attempting to enter such spaces.
Please check out the National Immigration Law Center has prepared a comprehensive fact sheet from which you may be able to develop testimony in favor of the bill.
DREAM Act Expansion (HB 207/SB 268) - In 2011, Maryland passed legislation that entitled undocumented young people to pay the in-state tuition rate in Maryland colleges if they attended a Maryland high school for at least three years and graduated from a Maryland high school. The individual or the individual’s parent or guardian also had to have filed a Maryland income tax return annually for the three-year period before the academic year in which the tuition rate would apply. The 2025 bill would reduce the number of years (from three to two) for which an individual or an individual’s parent or guardian must file a Maryland income tax return prior to the academic year in order to qualify for an exemption.
Data Privacy (SB 977\HB 1431) - While we were able to enact legislation to stop the Motor Vehicles Administration of sharing its data with ICE to identify people through their driver licenses, schools and some other state agencies still share data with ICE. We want to end this practice.​
HB 1222 - End 287g Agreements - These Intergovernmental Service Agreements, named for the section of the Immigration and Nationality Act—allows the Department of Homeland Security to enter into formal, written agreements with local political entities to deputize local law enforcement officers to serve as federal immigration agents. Currently, three Maryland counties have such agreements: Cecil, Frederick and Harford.
For more information, please contact our Immigration Issue Lead, Jim Caldiero at
Subject | Bill Number | XFile Bill Number | Sponsor | Title | Status | Current Location | Priority | Position | Action | Synopsis |
Anti-Sanctuary Policies | HB0085 | Delegate Mangione | State and Local Government - Sanctuary Policies and Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law (Rachel Morin Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | x | Oppose | Contact Delegate on Committee | Repealing provisions of law prohibiting law enforcement agents from taking certain actions related to an individual's citizenship or immigration status; prohibiting a county or municipality from adopting, enacting, or enforcing a sanctuary policy; requiring a county or municipality to fully cooperate with federal immigration authorities regarding certain individuals unlawfully present in the United States; etc. | |
Enforcement (Maryland Values Act) | HB1222 | Delegate Williams | Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement (Maryland Values Act) | Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring an employee or agent of a State or local correctional facility and a law enforcement agent to detain an individual not lawfully present in the United States and who has been convicted of a certain crime of violence and transfer the individual to federal immigration authorities under certain circumstances; prohibiting the State, a unit of local government, a county sheriff, or any agency, officer, employee, or agent of the State or a unit of local government from entering into a certain immigration enforcement agreement; etc. | |
Enforcement - Sensitive Locations | HB1006 | Delegate Wilkins | Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Guidelines and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act) | Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Attorney General to develop guidelines relating to immigration enforcement at sensitive locations; and requiring State agencies that operate at sensitive locations to adopt certain policies or provide notice of a decision not to adopt certain policies. | |
Enforcement - Sensitive Locations | SB0828 | Senator Smith | Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Guidelines and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act) | Hearing 3/04 at 1:00 p.m. | Judicial Proceedings | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Attorney General to develop guidelines relating to immigration enforcement at certain sensitive locations; and requiring State agencies that operate at sensitive locations to adopt policies consistent with the guidelines or provide certain written notice of a decision not to adopt policies consistent with the guidelines. | |
In-State Tuition - Undocumented Students | HB0207 | SB0268 | Delegate Pasteur | Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility | First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on EEE Committee | Altering, from 3 years to 2 years, the number of years before an academic year for which an individual or the individual's parent or guardian must file taxes to be eligible to receive an out-of-state tuition exemption. |
In-State Tuition - Undocumented Students | SB0268 | HB0207 | Senator Brooks | Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering, from 3 years to 2 years, the number of years before an academic year for which an individual or the individual's parent or guardian must file taxes to be eligible to receive an out-of-state tuition exemption. |
Maryland Data Privacy Act | HB1431 | Delegate Charkoudian | State and Local Agencies - Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act) | Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering certain provisions of law to require a law enforcement agency or a unit of State or local government to deny access to certain databases by certain individuals seeking access for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law, under certain circumstances; requiring the Attorney General to enforce certain provisions of the Act; and providing that a State employee who violates certain provisions of the Act is subject to certain discipline. | |
Maryland Data Privacy Act | SB0977 | Senator Lam | State and Local Agencies - Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering certain provisions of law to require a law enforcement agency or a unit of State or local government to deny access to certain databases, facilities, or buildings by certain individuals seeking access for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law, under certain circumstances; requiring the Attorney General to enforce certain provisions of the Act; and providing that a State employee that violates certain provisions of the Act is subject to certain discipline. | |
Transfer of Undocumented to ICE | SB0387 | HB0403 | Senator Folden | Correctional Services - Transfers to Federal Authorities - Undocumented Immigrants (Protecting Marylanders From Violent Offenders Act of 2025) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | x | Oppose | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring a State or local correctional facility with custody of an undocumented immigrant who is serving a sentence in the facility for conviction of a crime, on request of the United States Department of Homeland Security, to transfer the undocumented immigrant to the United States Department of Homeland Security under certain circumstances. |
Disclosure of Employee Immigration Status | HB1476 | Delegate Woorman | Labor and Employment - Disclosure of Employee's Immigration Status - Prohibition | Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m. | Economic Matters | Support | Prohibiting an employer from disclosing or threatening to disclose an employee's immigration status to a public body for the purpose of concealing an employer's violation of certain labor, benefit, or tax laws; authorizing the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to investigate a violation of the Act on the Commissioner's own initiative or on receipt of a written complaint; and authorizing an alleged violator to request an administrative hearing. | |||
No Immigration Enforcement-School Staff | HB1504 | Delegate Ruff | Juvenile Law - Child in Need of Supervision - Mandatory Petition (NyKayla Strawder Memorial Act) | First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations | Rules and Executive Nominations | Requiring an intake officer to file a petition alleging that a child under the age of 13 years is a child in need of supervision if the child is alleged to have committed an act that results in the death of a victim; and requiring a law enforcement officer to forward a complaint alleging that a child under the age of 13 years committed an act that resulted in the death of a victim to the Department of Juvenile Services for appropriate action. | ||||
Private Detention Facilities-Legal Rights | HB1011 | SB0786 | Speaker | Correctional Services - Private Detention Facilities - Deprivation of Rights, Privileges, and Immunities | Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn | Support | Prohibiting a person from depriving an individual in a private detention facility of any right, privilege, or immunity secured by the United States Constitution, the Maryland Constitution, the Maryland Declaration of Rights, or any state or federal law; authorizing the Office of the Attorney General to investigate a violation of the Act; authorizing the Office of the Attorney General to file a civil action against a person for a violation of the Act under certain circumstances; etc. | |||
Private Detention Facilities-Legal Rights | SB0786 | HB1011 | President | Correctional Services - Private Detention Facilities - Deprivation of Rights, Privileges, and Immunities | Hearing canceled | Judicial Proceedings | Support | Prohibiting a person from depriving an individual in a private detention facility of any right, privilege, or immunity secured or protected by the United States Constitution, the Maryland Constitution, the Maryland Declaration of Rights, or any state or federal law; authorizing the Office of the Attorney General to investigate a violation of the Act; authorizing the Office of the Attorney General to file a civil action against a person for a violation of the Act under certain circumstances; etc. | ||
Required Cooperation in Enforcement | HB1307 | Delegate Chisholm | Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement - Cooperation | Unfavorable Report by Judiciary; Withdrawn | Oppose | Requiring a certain law enforcement agency, law enforcement agent, and local detention facility, if requested by federal immigration authorities, to notify federal immigration authorities about certain matters and cooperate with federal immigration authorities for a certain purpose; and prohibiting the State, a unit of local government, a county sheriff, or an agency of the State or a unit of local government from adopting, implementing, or enforcing certain policies. | ||||
Required Cooperation with ICE | HB1188 | Delegate Miller | Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement - Cooperation | Hearing 3/05 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | Oppose | Requiring law enforcement agencies, law enforcement agents, and local detention facilities who take custody of an individual to run a search of the individual in the National Crime Information Center, make a certain notice to federal immigration authorities, and cooperate with federal immigration authorities in regards to certain individuals; and prohibiting the State, a unit of local government, a county sheriff, or an agency of the State or a unit of local government from adopting, implementing, or enforcing certain policies. | |||
Transfer of Undocumented to ICE | HB0403 | SB0387 | Delegate Pippy | Correctional Services - Transfers to Federal Authorities - Undocumented Immigrants (Protecting Marylanders From Violent Offenders Act of 2025) | Hearing 3/05 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | Oppose | Requiring a State or local correctional facility with custody of an undocumented immigrant who is serving a sentence in the facility for conviction of a crime, on request of the United States Department of Homeland Security, to transfer the undocumented immigrant to the United States Department of Homeland Security under certain circumstances. | ||
Transfer of Undocumented to ICE | HB0653 | Delegate Szeliga | Correctional Services - Transfers to Federal Authorities - Undocumented Immigrants (Protecting Marylanders From Violent Crime Act of 2025) | Hearing 3/05 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | Oppose | Requiring a certain State or local correctional facility, on request of the United States Department of Homeland Security, to transfer a certain undocumented immigrant to the United States Department of Homeland Security under certain circumstances. | |||
U Nonimmigrant -Victim Helpfulness | HB0686 | SB0553 | Delegate Solomon | Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness | Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | Altering the criteria for determining whether a certain victim or the victim's parent, guardian, or next friend shall be considered to be helpful, to have been helpful, or likely to be helpful to the detection, investigation, or prosecution of certain criminal activity for a certain purpose; altering the time periods within which a certain certifying entity shall certify or decline a certain form under certain circumstances; etc. | |||
U Nonimmigrant -Victim Helpfulness | SB0553 | HB0686 | Senator Augustine | Victims and Witnesses - U Nonimmigrant Status - Certification of Victim Helpfulness | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Altering the criteria for determining whether a certain victim or the victim's parent, guardian, or next friend shall be considered to be helpful, to have been helpful, or likely to be helpful to the detection, investigation, or prosecution of certain criminal activity for a certain purpose; altering the time periods within which a certain certifying entity shall certify or decline a certain form under certain circumstances; etc. | |||
U Nonimmigrant Status - Petition | HB0579 | SB0608 | Delegate Embry | Criminal Procedure - U Nonimmigrant Status Petitions | Hearing 2/27 at 1:00 p.m. | Judiciary | Altering the requirements for certification of a U Nonimmigrant Status Petition; altering the individuals eligible to request a certain official to certify victim helpfulness relating to certification of a U Nonimmigrant Status Petition; and authorizing the disclosure of certain information under certain circumstances. | |||
U Nonimmigrant Status - Petition | SB0608 | HB0579 | Senator Augustine | Criminal Procedure - U Nonimmigrant Status Petitions | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Altering the requirements for certification of a U Nonimmigrant Status Petition; altering the individuals eligible to request a certain official to certify victim helpfulness relating to certification of a U Nonimmigrant Status Petition; and authorizing the disclosure of certain information under certain circumstances. |