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Status of Priority Bills
2025 Legislative Session
Below are all of the bills designated as priorities by our Issue Leads that have been introduced to date. These bills are in alphabetical order by Issue (Climate Change, Criminal Justice, Gun Violence, Healthcare, Immigration, and Medical Aid in Dying), so first scroll down to the issue you seek. Once you find a bill of interest, scroll right to see additional information, such as bill description.
For further information on any bill listed below, please go to the Maryland General Assembly website and enter the bill number in the Search field.
Issue | Subject | Bill Number | XFile Bill No. | Sponsor | Title | Status | Current Location | Position | Priority | Action | Synopsis |
Civil Rights | Girls Sports - Anti-Trans | HB0156 | Delegate Szeliga | Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams - Designation Based on Sex (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act) | Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means | Oppose | x | Requiring certain interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams or sports sponsored by certain schools to be expressly designated based on biological sex; prohibiting certain entities from taking certain adverse actions against a school for maintaining separate interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams and sports for students of the female sex; and providing that certain individuals have the right to bring a civil action under certain circumstances. | |||
Civil Rights | Girls Sports - Anti-Trans | SB0588 | Senator Carozza | Education - Interscholastic and Intramural Junior Varsity and Varsity Teams and Sports - Designation (Fairness in Girls' Sports Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Oppose | x | Requiring certain interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams or sports sponsored by certain schools to be expressly designated in a certain manner; prohibiting certain interscholastic and intramural junior varsity and varsity athletic teams or sports from including certain students; prohibiting certain entities from taking certain adverse actions against a school under certain circumstances; etc. | ||
Climate Change | Abundant Affordable Clean Energy | HB0398 | SB0316 | Delegate Charkoudian | Abundant Affordable Clean Energy - Procurement and Development (AACE Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring each electric company in the State to submit to the Public Service Commission by certain dates plans for the construction or procurement of distribution-connected energy storage devices and to construct or procure the devices in accordance with the plan; providing for the creation of zero-emission credits by beneficial nuclear facilities; requiring the Commission to pursue certain coordinated approaches to offshore wind energy transmission development; etc. |
Climate Change | Abundant Affordable Clean Energy | SB0316 | HB0398 | Senator Brooks | Abundant Affordable Clean Energy - Procurement and Development (AACE Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring each electric company in the State to submit to the Public Service Commission by certain dates plans for the construction or procurement of distribution-connected energy storage devices and to construct or procure the devices in accordance with the plan; providing for the creation of zero-emission credits by beneficial nuclear facilities; requiring the Commission to pursue certain coordinated approaches to offshore wind energy transmission development; etc. |
Climate Change | Better Buildings Act | HB0973 | SB0804 | Delegate Boafo | Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2025) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt, by October 1, 2025, and as part of the Maryland Building Performance Standards, energy conservation requirements, an electric- and solar-ready standard for certain buildings, and a requirement that new buildings and significant improvements meet all laundry, water, and space heating demands of the building without the use of fossil fuels. |
Climate Change | Better Buildings Act | SB0804 | HB0973 | Senator Brooks | Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2025) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt, by October 1, 2025, and as part of the Maryland Building Performance Standards, energy conservation requirements, an electric- and solar-ready standard for certain buildings, and a requirement that new buildings and significant improvements meet all laundry, water, and space heating demands of the building without the use of fossil fuels. |
Climate Change | Cherish Our Communities Act | HB1484 | SB0978 | Delegate Lewis, J. | Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration For Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act) | Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) | Environment and Transportation | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Applying certain public participation requirements to permits for projects that have been identified by the Department of the Environment as having an increased potential for adverse community environmental and public health impacts; requiring a person applying for certain environmental permits for certain projects with an increased potential to cause adverse community environmental and public health impacts to include in the permit application an environmental impact analysis; etc. |
Climate Change | Cherish Our Communities Act | SB0978 | HB1484 | Senator Lam | Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration for Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Applying certain public participation requirements to permits for projects that have been identified by the Department of the Environment as having an increased potential for adverse community environmental and public health impacts; requiring a person applying for certain environmental permits for certain projects with an increased potential to cause adverse community environmental and public health impacts to include in the permit application an environmental impact analysis; etc. |
Climate Change | Climate & Transportation Alignment | HB0084 | SB0395 | Delegate Edelson | Transportation – Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects and Impact Assessments (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2025) | Voting session 3/6 at 2:00 p.m. | Appropriations | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Department of Transportation, as part of the planning and implementation of certain major highway expansion projects to develop and implement a corresponding multimodal transportation program; requiring the Department beginning with a certain Consolidated Transportation Program to evaluate certain major capital projects for their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled; requiring the Secretary of Transportation to perform certain capacity expansion impact assessments; etc. |
Climate Change | Climate & Transportation Alignment | SB0395 | HB0084 | Senator Hettleman | Transportation - Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects and Impact Assessments (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2025) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Budget and Taxation | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Department of Transportation, as part of the planning and implementation of certain major highway expansion projects to develop and implement a corresponding multimodal transportation program; requiring the Department beginning with a certain Consolidated Transportation Program to evaluate certain major capital projects for their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled; requiring the Secretary of Transportation to perform certain capacity expansion impact assessments; etc. |
Climate Change | Climate Change Restitution Fund | HB0340 | Delegate Ruth | Climate Change - Attorney General Actions, Climate Change Restitution Fund, and Climate Change Restitution Fund Advisory Council | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Health and Government Operations | Support | x | Authorizing the Attorney General to investigate, commence, and prosecute or defend any suit or action that holds certain entities accountable for tortious or otherwise unlawful conduct that has contributed to climate change; establishing the Climate Change Restitution Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; establishing the Climate Change Restitution Fund Advisory Council to provide information to the Governor, the Attorney General, and the General Assembly on climate change and the distribution of the Fund; etc. | ||
Climate Change | Data Center Impact Analysis | HB0270 | SB0116 | Delegate Crosby | Data Center Impact Analysis and Report | First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Requiring the Department of the Environment, the Maryland Energy Administration, and the University of Maryland School of Business, in coordination with the Department of Legislative Services, to conduct an analysis of the likely environmental, energy, and economic impacts of data center development in the State; and requiring the Department of Legislative Services to coordinate preparation of the final report to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly by September 1, 2026. | |
Climate Change | Data Center Impact Analysis | SB0116 | HB0270 | Senator Lewis Young | Data Center Impact Analysis and Report | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Requiring the Department of the Environment, the Maryland Energy Administration, and the University of Maryland School of Business, in coordination with the Department of Legislative Services, to conduct an analysis of the likely environmental, energy, and economic impacts of data center development in the State; and requiring the Department of Legislative Services to coordinate preparation of the final report to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly by September 1, 2026. | |
Climate Change | Maryland Bottle Bill | HB0232 | SB0346 | Delegate Terrasa | Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Establishing the Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program to increase the reuse and recycling of beverage containers and reduce the litter, pollution, and costs associated with beverage containers; prohibiting a producer from selling, offering for sale, or distributing in or importing into the State a redeemable beverage container unless the producer is registered with the Department of the Environment, pays a certain fee, and is part of a certain stewardship organization; etc. |
Climate Change | Maryland Bottle Bill | SB0346 | HB0232 | Senator Brooks | Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Establishing the Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program to increase the reuse and recycling of beverage containers and reduce the litter, pollution, and costs associated with beverage containers; prohibiting a producer from selling, offering for sale, or distributing in or importing into the State a redeemable beverage container unless the producer is registered with the Department of the Environment, pays a certain fee, and is part of a certain stewardship organization; etc. |
Climate Change | Natural Gas Ratepayer Protection | HB0419 | SB0998 | Delegate Embry | Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering the required contents of a certain plan that a gas company may file with the Public Service Commission for proposed eligible infrastructure replacement projects to include certain descriptions, demonstrations, analyses, and notifications; and altering the required findings of the Commission in considering whether to approve a certain infrastructure replacement plan. |
Climate Change | Natural Gas Ratepayer Protection | SB0998 | HB0419 | Senator Washington, M. | Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act) | Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering the required contents of a certain plan that a gas company may file with the Public Service Commission for proposed eligible infrastructure replacement projects to include certain descriptions, demonstrations, analyses, and notifications; and altering the required findings of the Commission in considering whether to approve a certain infrastructure replacement plan. |
Climate Change | Packing Materials - Producer Responsibility | SB0901 | Senator Augustine | Environment - Packaging Materials - Producer Responsibility Plans | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring certain producers of packaging materials, individually or as part of a producer responsibility organization, to submit a certain packaging materials producer responsibility plan to the Department of the Environment for review and approval on or before April 1, 2027, and every 5 years thereafter, in accordance with certain requirements. | |
Climate Change | RENEW Act | HB0128 | SB0149 | Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo | Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2025 | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Payment Program in the Department of the Environment to secure payments from certain businesses that extract fossil fuels or refine petroleum products in order to provide a source of revenue for State efforts to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change and to address the health impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations; establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Fund to support efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change; etc. |
Climate Change | RENEW Act | SB0149 | HB0128 | Senator Hester | Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2025 | Voting session 2/27 at 4:00 p.m. | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Payment Program in the Department of the Environment to secure payments from certain businesses that extract fossil fuels or refine petroleum products in order to provide a source of revenue for State efforts to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change and to address the health impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations; establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Fund to support efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change; etc. |
Criminal Justice | Automated Expungement | HB0545 | SB0398 | Delegate Moon | Criminal Procedure - Automated Expungement | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Repealing a certain provision of law requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to expunge certain cases involving charges of possession of cannabis on or before a certain date; and establishing procedures for the automated expungement of certain cases by the Department and the Judiciary. |
Criminal Justice | Automated Expungement | SB0398 | HB0545 | Senator McKay | Criminal Procedure - Automated Expungement | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Repealing a certain provision of law requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to expunge certain cases involving charges of possession of cannabis on or before a certain date; and establishing procedures for the automated expungement of certain cases by the Department and the Judiciary. |
Criminal Justice | Corrections - Restrictive Housing | HB0647 | SB0702 | Delegate Phillips | Correctional Services - Restrictive Housing | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering a certain definition of restrictive housing; limiting the amount of time that an individual may be placed in restrictive housing from approximately 22 hours to 17 hours in a 24-hour period; requiring all restrictive housing units to create the least restrictive environment necessary for certain purposes; prohibiting the placement of a certain member of a vulnerable population in restrictive housing for any period of time; etc. |
Criminal Justice | Corrections - Restrictive Housing | SB0702 | HB0647 | Senator Love | Correctional Services - Restrictive Housing | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering a certain definition of restrictive housing; limiting the amount of time that an individual may be placed in restrictive housing from approximately 22 hours to 17 hours in a 24-hour period; requiring all restrictive housing units to create the least restrictive environment necessary for certain purposes; prohibiting the placement of a certain member of a vulnerable population in restrictive housing for any period of time; etc. |
Criminal Justice | Fair Chance Housing Act | SB0514 | Senator Henson | Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases - Prospective Tenant Criminal History Records Check (Maryland Fair Chance Housing Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Prohibiting a landlord from requiring or requesting from a prospective tenant certain information relating to criminal history and prohibiting a landlord from considering certain information when evaluating the prospective tenant; permitting a landlord to consider certain criminal history information prior to extending a conditional offer to a prospective tenant and requiring the landlord to consider certain information provided by a prospective tenant relating to a criminal history records check; etc. | |
Criminal Justice | Geriatric and Medical Parole | HB0190 | SB0181 | Delegate Bartlett | Correctional Services - Geriatric and Medical Parole | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Maryland Parole Commission to consider the age of incarcerated individuals when determining whether to grant parole; altering how the Commission evaluates a request for medical parole, including providing for a meeting between the incarcerated individual and the Commission; requiring the Commission to develop procedures for assessing parole requests by older incarcerated individuals; and requiring the Commission to report yearly to the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board on the outcomes of certain parole considerations. |
Criminal Justice | Geriatric and Medical Parole | SB0181 | HB0190 | Senator Hettleman | Correctional Services - Geriatric and Medical Parole | Favorable with Amendments Report by Judicial Proceedings | Senate Floor | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Maryland Parole Commission to consider the age of incarcerated individuals when determining whether to grant parole; altering how the Commission evaluates a request for medical parole, including providing for a meeting between the incarcerated individual and the Commission; requiring the Commission to develop procedures for assessing parole requests by older incarcerated individuals; and requiring the Commission to report yearly to the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board on the outcomes of certain parole considerations. |
Criminal Justice | Juvenile Court Jurisdiction | HB1433 | SB0422 | Delegate Toles | Juvenile Court - Jurisdiction | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering the jurisdiction of the juvenile court by repealing provisions specifying that the juvenile court does not have jurisdiction over a child alleged to have committed certain acts. |
Criminal Justice | Juvenile Court Jurisdiction | SB0422 | HB1433 | Chair, Judicial Proceedings Committee | Juvenile Court - Jurisdiction | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering the jurisdiction of the juvenile court by repealing provisions specifying that the juvenile court does not have jurisdiction over a child alleged to have committed certain acts. |
Criminal Justice | Medical Parole - Life Imprisonment | HB0311 | SB0648 | Delegate Bartlett | Correctional Services - Medical Parole - Life Imprisonment | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Repealing provisions relating to gubernatorial approval of a decision of the Maryland Parole Commission to grant medical parole to an incarcerated individual serving a sentence of life imprisonment. |
Criminal Justice | Medical Parole - Life Imprisonment | SB0648 | HB0311 | Senator Muse | Correctional Services - Medical Parole - Life Imprisonment | Favorable with Amendments Report by Judicial Proceedings | Senate Floor | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Repealing provisions relating to gubernatorial approval of a decision of the Maryland Parole Commission to grant medical parole to an incarcerated individual serving a sentence of life imprisonment. |
Criminal Justice | Medical and Elder Parole | HB1123 | Delegate Bartlett | Correctional Services - Medical and Elder Parole | Voting session 3/6 at 2:00 p.m. | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Repealing provisions relating to gubernatorial approval of a decision of the Maryland Parole Commission to grant medical parole to an incarcerated individual serving a term of life imprisonment; requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to submit to the Commission the names of certain individuals at a certain time; requiring the Commission to conduct a risk assessment for a certain individual at a certain time; etc. | |
Criminal Justice | Prerelease Services - Female Inmates | HB1198 | SB0632 | Delegate Crutchfield | Correctional Services - Comprehensive Rehabilitative Prerelease Services - Female Incarcerated Individuals (The Monica Cooper Prerelease Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering the required location and timeline for a certain prerelease facility for female incarcerated individuals; requiring the Commissioner of the Division of Correction to make certain services available to certain female incarcerated individuals; requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to implement certain comprehensive rehabilitative prerelease services by July 1, 2026; requiring the Department to report certain information to certain entities; etc. |
Criminal Justice | Prerelease Services - Female Inmates | SB0632 | HB1198 | Senator Washington, M. | Correctional Services - Comprehensive Rehabilitative Prerelease Services - Female Incarcerated Individuals (The Monica Cooper Prerelease Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering the required location and timeline for a certain prerelease facility for female incarcerated individuals; requiring the Commissioner of the Division of Correction to make certain services available to certain female incarcerated individuals; requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, by July 1, 2026, to implement certain comprehensive rehabilitative prerelease services; etc. |
Criminal Justice | Racial Disparities in Justice System | HB1423 | Delegate Crutchfield | Commission to Review and Assess Racial Disparities in the State Criminal Justice System - Establishment | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Establishing the Commission to Review and Assess Racial Disparities in the State Criminal Justice System to study and make recommendations on certain matters involving the disparate treatment of African Americans, Hispanics, and other non-White individuals in the State's criminal justice system and other criminal justice issues in the State; and requiring the Commission to report its findings and recommendations on or before September 1, 2026. | |
Criminal Justice | Reduction of sentence petition | HB0853 | Delegate Pasteur | Criminal Procedure - Petition to Reduce Sentence (Maryland Second Look Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Authorizing an individual to file a petition with the court to reduce the sentence if the individual has served at least 20 years of the term of confinement and at least 5 years have passed since the court decided any previous petition filed by the individual under the Act; authorizing a court, after a hearing, to reduce a sentence if the court finds that the individual is not a danger to the public; and providing a rebuttable presumption that a petitioner is not a danger to the public under certain circumstances. | |
Criminal Justice | Reduction of sentence petition | SB0291 | Senator Sydnor | Criminal Procedure - Petition to Reduce Sentence (Maryland Second Look Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Authorizing an individual who is serving a term of confinement to petition a court to reduce the sentence or sentences under certain circumstances; and establishing procedures for a proceeding under the Act. | |
Education | Sexually Explicit Materials in Schools | HB0282 | Delegate Mangione | Public Schools - Sexually Explicit Materials - Prohibited in Libraries and Media Centers | Unfavorable Report by Ways and Means | Oppose | x | Prohibiting sexually explicit materials in elementary, middle, and secondary public school libraries and media centers; defining sexually explicit materials as books and auditory and visual material that contain graphic or obscene depictions of sexual activity that are not age-appropriate or used as part of the approved instructional materials for instruction on family life and human sexuality as part of a certain program; etc. | |||
Gun Violence | Armed Trespass by Retired Police | HB0308 | SB0585 | Delegate Bartlett | Criminal Law - Exception to Armed Trespass Prohibition - Retired Law Enforcement Officials | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Oppose | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Establishing an exception to the prohibition against entering or trespassing on real property while wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm for a retired law enforcement official who has retired in good standing from a law enforcement agency of the United States, the State or another state, or a local unit in the State or another state under certain circumstances. |
Gun Violence | Armed Trespass by Retired Police | SB0585 | HB0308 | Senator Waldstreicher | Criminal Law - Exception to Armed Trespass Prohibition - Retired Law Enforcement Officials | Favorable with Amendments Report by Judicial Proceedings | Senate Floor | Oppose | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Establishing an exception to the prohibition against entering or trespassing on real property while wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm for a retired law enforcement official who has retired in good standing from a law enforcement agency of the United States, the State or another state, or a local unit in the State or another state under certain circumstances. |
Gun Violence | Community Safety Funding | HB0387 | Delegate Mireku-North | Comprehensive Community Safety Funding Act | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Ways and Means | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Imposing an excise tax on certain gross receipts of certain firearms dealers derived from the sales of firearms in the State and sales of firearms to residents of the State; etc. | |
Gun Violence | Convertible Pistols - switch/auto–sear | HB1287 | Delegate Williams | Criminal Law - Firearm Crimes - Convertible Pistols | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Prohibiting a person from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale, purchasing, receiving, or transferring a certain convertible pistol; and defining 'convertible pistol' as any semiautomatic pistol that can be converted into a machine gun solely by the attachment of a switch/auto-sear. | |
Gun Violence | Family and Law Enforcement Protection | HB1050 | SB0943 | Delegate Bartlett | Family Law - Protective Orders - Surrender of Firearms | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering and establishing provisions relating to the surrender of firearms by a respondent under the domestic violence statutes; creating the Task Force to Study the Use of Firearms in Domestic Violence Situations; and requiring the Task Force to submit a report on its recommendations on or before November 15, 2025. |
Gun Violence | Family and Law Enforcement Protection | SB0943 | HB1050 | Senator Hettleman | Family and Law Enforcement Protection Act | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering and establishing provisions relating to the surrender of firearms by a respondent under the domestic violence statutes; creating the Task Force to Study the Use of Firearms in Domestic Violence Situations; and requiring the Task Force to submit a report on its recommendations on or before November 15, 2025. |
Gun Violence | Gun buy-back Programs | SB0444 | Senator Smith | Public Safety - Gun Buyback Programs - Destruction of Firearms | First Reading Judiciary | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring a person or an entity operating a gun buyback program to destroy a firearm, including all components and parts attached to the firearm, that is traded in at a certain gun buyback program; authorizing a certain person or entity to contract with a law enforcement agency, an organization, or a business to destroy certain firearms; and requiring the Secretary of State Police to revoke a certain person's dealer's license if the person violates the provisions of the Act. | |
Gun Violence | Trafficking stolen guns | SB0443 | Senator Smith | Trafficking Regulated Firearms - Felony Classification | First Reading Judiciary | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring that the prosecution for an offense of trafficking a regulated firearm be instituted within 3 years after the offense was committed; reclassifying the prohibition against transporting a regulated firearm into the State for the purpose of unlawfully selling or trafficking the firearm to be a felony; and establishing a penalty on conviction of imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to $25,000 or both. | |
Healthcare | Prescription Drug Affordabiltiy for All | HB0424 | SB0357 | Delegate Cullison | Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Authority for Upper Payment Limits (Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for All Marylanders Now Act) | First Reading Finance | Finance | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, under certain circumstances, to establish a process for setting upper payment limits for purchases and payor reimbursements of prescription drug products in the State that the Board determines have led or will lead to affordability challenges; authorizing the Board to reconsider an upper payment limit for a drug that becomes a current shortage; requiring the Board to confer with the Maryland Medical Assistance Program before establishing a certain upper payment limit; etc. |
Healthcare | Prescription Drug Affordabiltiy for All | SB0357 | HB0424 | Senator Gile | Prescription Drug Affordability Board - Authority for Upper Payment Limits (Lowering Prescription Drug Costs for All Marylanders Now Act) | Favorable with Amendments Report by Finance | Finance | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, under certain circumstances, to establish a process for setting upper payment limits for all purchases and payor reimbursements of prescription drug products in the State that the Board determines have led or will lead to affordability challenges; authorizing the Board to reconsider an upper payment limit for a drug that becomes a current shortage; altering requirements related to the setting of upper payment limits by the Board; etc. |
Healthcare | Public Health Abortion Grant Program | HB0930 | SB0848 | Delegate Lopez | Public Health Abortion Grant Program - Establishment | Favorable with Amendments Report by Health and Government Operations | House Floor | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Establishing the Public Health Abortion Grant Program to provide grants to improve access to abortion care clinical services for individuals in the State; establishing the Public Health Abortion Grant Program Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to provide grants under the Program; and requiring that certain premium funds collected by health insurance carriers be used to provide certain coverage and to support improving access to abortion care clinical services under certain circumstances. |
Healthcare | Public Health Abortion Grant Program | SB0848 | HB0930 | Senator Guzzone | Public Health Abortion Grant Program - Establishment | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Finance | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Establishing the Public Health Abortion Grant Program to provide grants to improve access to abortion care clinical services for individuals in the State; establishing the Public Health Abortion Grant Program Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to provide grants under the Program; and requiring that certain premium funds collected by health insurance carriers be used to provide certain coverage and to support improving access to abortion care clinical services under certain circumstances. |
Healthcare | Young Adult Insurance-Sunset Repeal | HB0297 | SB0005 | Delegate Kerr | Maryland Health Benefit Exchange - State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program - Sunset Repeal | First Reading Finance | Finance | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Renaming the State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program to be the State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Program; repealing the termination date of certain provisions of law that establish and govern the funding for the Program; authorizing rather than requiring the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange to establish and implement the Program; and prohibiting the Exchange from implementing the Program if certain funds are not available. |
Healthcare | Young Adult Insurance-Sunset Repeal | SB0005 | HB0297 | Senator Lam | Maryland Health Benefit Exchange – State–Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program – Sunset Repeal | First Reading Health and Government Operations | Health and Government Operations | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Renaming the State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Pilot Program to be the State-Based Young Adult Health Insurance Subsidies Program; repealing the termination date of certain provisions of law that establish and govern the funding for the Program; authorizing rather than requiring the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange to establish and implement the Program; and prohibiting the Exchange from implementing the Program if certain funds are not available. |
Healthcare | Birth Certificate Modernization Act | HB1368 | SB0314 | Delegate Martinez | Certificates of Birth, Licenses, and Identification Cards - Sex Designation (Birth Certificate Modernization Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Health and Government Operations | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering the circumstances under which the Secretary of Health is required to make a new certificate of birth due to the change of a sex designation of an individual; establishing requirements and a prohibition related to the making of new certificates of birth; and altering the options for indicating an individual's sex designation on a license, identification card, or moped operator's permit issued by the Motor Vehicle Administration. |
Healthcare | Birth Certificate Modernization Act | SB0314 | HB1368 | Senator Lam | Certificates of Birth, Licenses, and Identification Cards - Sex Designation (Birth Certificate Modernization Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Finance | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering the circumstances under which the Secretary of Health is required to make a new certificate of birth due to the change of a sex designation of an individual; establishing requirements and a prohibition related to the making of new certificates of birth; and altering the options for indicating an individual's sex designation on a license, identification card, or moped operator's permit issued by the Motor Vehicle Administration. |
Immigration | Anti-Sanctuary Policies | HB0085 | Delegate Mangione | State and Local Government - Sanctuary Policies and Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law (Rachel Morin Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Oppose | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Repealing provisions of law prohibiting law enforcement agents from taking certain actions related to an individual's citizenship or immigration status; prohibiting a county or municipality from adopting, enacting, or enforcing a sanctuary policy; requiring a county or municipality to fully cooperate with federal immigration authorities regarding certain individuals unlawfully present in the United States; etc. | |
Immigration | Enforcement (Maryland Values Act) | HB1222 | Delegate Williams | Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement (Maryland Values Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring an employee or agent of a State or local correctional facility and a law enforcement agent to detain an individual not lawfully present in the United States and who has been convicted of a certain crime of violence and transfer the individual to federal immigration authorities under certain circumstances; prohibiting the State, a unit of local government, a county sheriff, or any agency, officer, employee, or agent of the State or a unit of local government from entering into a certain immigration enforcement agreement; etc. | |
Immigration | Enforcement - Sensitive Locations | HB1006 | Delegate Wilkins | Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Guidelines and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Attorney General to develop guidelines relating to immigration enforcement at sensitive locations; and requiring State agencies that operate at sensitive locations to adopt certain policies or provide notice of a decision not to adopt certain policies. | |
Immigration | Enforcement - Sensitive Locations | SB0828 | Senator Smith | Immigration Enforcement - Sensitive Locations - Guidelines and Policies (Protecting Sensitive Locations Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Attorney General to develop guidelines relating to immigration enforcement at certain sensitive locations; and requiring State agencies that operate at sensitive locations to adopt policies consistent with the guidelines or provide certain written notice of a decision not to adopt policies consistent with the guidelines. | |
Immigration | In-State Tuition - Undocumented Students | HB0207 | SB0268 | Delegate Pasteur | Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility | First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering, from 3 years to 2 years, the number of years before an academic year for which an individual or the individual's parent or guardian must file taxes to be eligible to receive an out-of-state tuition exemption. |
Immigration | In-State Tuition - Undocumented Students | SB0268 | HB0207 | Senator Brooks | Higher Education - Undocumented Students - Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Eligibility | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering, from 3 years to 2 years, the number of years before an academic year for which an individual or the individual's parent or guardian must file taxes to be eligible to receive an out-of-state tuition exemption. |
Immigration | Maryland Data Privacy Act | HB1431 | Delegate Charkoudian | State and Local Agencies - Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering certain provisions of law to require a law enforcement agency or a unit of State or local government to deny access to certain databases by certain individuals seeking access for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law, under certain circumstances; requiring the Attorney General to enforce certain provisions of the Act; and providing that a State employee who violates certain provisions of the Act is subject to certain discipline. | |
Immigration | Maryland Data Privacy Act | SB0977 | Senator Lam | State and Local Agencies - Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering certain provisions of law to require a law enforcement agency or a unit of State or local government to deny access to certain databases, facilities, or buildings by certain individuals seeking access for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law, under certain circumstances; requiring the Attorney General to enforce certain provisions of the Act; and providing that a State employee that violates certain provisions of the Act is subject to certain discipline. | |
Immigration | Transfer of Undocumented to ICE | HB0403 | SB0387 | Delegate Pippy | Correctional Services - Transfers to Federal Authorities - Undocumented Immigrants (Protecting Marylanders From Violent Offenders Act of 2025) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Oppose | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring a State or local correctional facility with custody of an undocumented immigrant who is serving a sentence in the facility for conviction of a crime, on request of the United States Department of Homeland Security, to transfer the undocumented immigrant to the United States Department of Homeland Security under certain circumstances. |
Immigration | Transfer of Undocumented to ICE | SB0387 | HB0403 | Senator Folden | Correctional Services - Transfers to Federal Authorities - Undocumented Immigrants (Protecting Marylanders From Violent Offenders Act of 2025) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Oppose | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring a State or local correctional facility with custody of an undocumented immigrant who is serving a sentence in the facility for conviction of a crime, on request of the United States Department of Homeland Security, to transfer the undocumented immigrant to the United States Department of Homeland Security under certain circumstances. |
Medical Aid in Dying | End-of-Life Option Act | HB1328 | SB0926 | Delegate Hill | End-of-Life Option Act (The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass Act) | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Health and Government Operations | Support | x | Contact Delegate on Committee | Authorizing an individual to request aid in dying by making certain requests; establishing requirements and prohibitions governing aid in dying, including requirements related to requests for aid in dying, consulting physicians, mental health assessments, the disposal of drugs prescribed for aid in dying, health care facility policies, and the effect of aid in dying on insurance policies; authorizing a pharmacist to dispense medication for aid in dying only to certain individuals under certain circumstances; etc. |
Medical Aid in Dying | End-of-Life Option Act | SB0926 | HB1328 | Senator Smith | End-of-Life Option Act (The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings and the Honorable Shane E. Pendergrass Act) | Hearing canceled | Judicial Proceedings | Support | x | Contact Senator on Committee | Authorizing an individual to request aid in dying by making certain requests; establishing requirements and prohibitions governing aid in dying, including requirements related to requests for aid in dying, consulting physicians, mental health assessments, the disposal of drugs prescribed for aid in dying, health care facility policies, and the effect of aid in dying on insurance policies; authorizing a pharmacist to dispense medication for aid in dying only to certain individuals under certain circumstances; etc. |
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