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Encourage your congregation to affiliate with UULM-MD

In addition to its indivudual members, UULM-MD relies on the congregations throughout the state to support its efforts. Please consider asking your congregation to become a formal affiliate by signing and returning the covenant below.



The Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland (UULM-MD) envisions a Maryland free of oppression and injustice, where all are guaranteed their human rights.  UULM-MD addresses this vision by educating Unitarian Universalists on public policy issues in light of the moral, ethical and religious principles and traditions of Unitarian Universalism and encouraging UUs to work on issues that express their UU values.  


UULM-MD was formed in 2005 to provide a voice for UU principles and values in discussions on public policy issues in MD.  Its primary focus is on the MD General Assembly and the executive branch.  Federal issues that coincide with our major state issues may be addressed.


Because UULM-MD takes public policy positions, the membership consists of individuals rather than congregations.  However, the work of UULM-MD is enhanced by having UU congregations in Maryland become affiliates.  To be an affiliate does not mean that a Unitarian Universalist congregation must take a stand on any of the issues UULM-MD supports. It means that the congregation covenants to support UULM-MD in as many of the following ways as possible.   



  • UULM-MD Annual Meeting and Training:  Send a delegation. 

  • UULM- MD Congregation Liaison Council:   Identify a member of your congregation to serve as the liaison to UULM-MD.  A liaison promotes UULM–MD and coordinates education and action on UULM-MD priority issues with which your congregation wishes to engage.  Liaisons also act as advisors to the Board of Directors of UULM-MD and share information on how to inform and mobilize UUs.  

  • UULM-MD Legislative Network:  Assist in recruiting members to serve in a statewide legislative network.  Network volunteers communicate directly with individual elected officials.   Congregations receive overall mailings and special ones focusing on elected officials from the areas which they serve.

  • UULM-MD Annapolis Corps:  Help identify members willing to go to Annapolis to attend rallies, hearings, meetings with legislators, and other activities.


Legislative Priorities:  Provide input from your congregation to help guide the selection of UULM-MD’s priority issues.  UULM-MD seeks the following kinds of input:

  • What is the focus of your current social justice work?

  • What issues are most important to you and why?

  • What social and economic justice issues should MD UUs work on together?



  • Worship:  Hold an annual Sunday for UULM-MD—either by inviting a guest minister or lay leader from UULM-MD or by including UULM-MD content in your minister’s worship service.

  • Newsletter: Run UULM-MD articles in your newsletter and, if appropriate, email communications with congregants.  

  • Web site: Put the UULM-MD web site as a link on your web site.

  • Directory: Include the UULM-MD contact information - address, web site, and phone number in the church directory or other appropriate listing.

  • Mailings:  Identify members of your congregation to receive UULM-MD mailings.


Promote Individual Membership

  • Permit UULM-MD to send one direct mail piece to the members and friends of your congregation which introduces the UULM-MD to them.

  • Put a copy of the UULM-MD brochure and introductory letter in the newcomer packets or wherever else is appropriate to reach newcomers.   

  • Encourage members to become individual dues-paying members.



  • Participate in one or more UULM-MD education and advocacy campaigns each year.  

  • Encourage members of your congregation to participate in collaborative education and   advocacy activities and programs.

  • Encourage congregation leaders to participate in UULM-MD training opportunities.   


Share Your Gifts  

  • Provide financial support for UULM-MD through the church budget or by taking an annual collection on behalf of UULM-MD.  

  • Promote participation in UULM-MD fundraising events, especially among those with the capacity to give.

  • Support UULM-MD in as many of these ways as possible.


To Affiliate with UULM-MD:  Have an officer of your congregation sign this covenant and return a copy to UULM-MD at:

UU Legislative Ministry of Maryland, c/o UU Church of Annapolis, 333 Dubois Road, Annapolis, MD  21401.  


Congregation                               ___________________________________________________


Representative’s signature          ___________________________________________________


Date                                              ___________________________________________________


The effectiveness of UULM-MD’s statewide advocacy work is impossible without the involvement of UUs and other Marylanders.


Phone: 410-266-8044

Donations are Tax-Deductible 

For more information on all UU groups working for social justice, the UUSC provides the following link showing the UU Social Justice Universe.

Quick Links

Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of Maryland c/o Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis, UULM-MD Copyright ©2021. All Rights Reserved.
333 Dubois Road, Annapolis, MD 21401 | 410-266-8044  |

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