Climate Change and the 2025 Session
Each year, the Climate Change team selects several bills as “priority.” The bills are evaluated based on their climate effectiveness and climate justice impacts. In order to collect information about the bills, UULM-MD participates in three different coalitions. They are the Climate Justice Wing of the Maryland Legislative Coalition, the Citizens Concerned for the Environment (CCE), and the Transform Maryland Transportation coalition. These three coalitions emphasize different perspectives on climate change. They are climate justice, broader climate and environmental issues, and public transportation advocacy, respectively.
In addition, several bills have been selected that we are “supporting” and may be elevated in the event that a priority bill fails to move forward.
For priority bills, the UULM-MD will submit written testimony, issue action alerts and join rallies in Annapolis. For the supported bills, we will follow their progress, and sign-on to other Advocacy Organizations' testimony.
Priority Bills:
RatePayer Protection Act (HB 419)- This bill would reform the Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (STRIDE) Program, The 2013 STRIDE law allows the gas utilities to add a surcharge to customers' bills, serving as an incentive for the utility to replace old pipes. But, because it lacks guardrails, the law has led to excessive spending and rate increases.
The bill requires gas utilities to:
• Ensure spending is cost effective and consider non-pipeline alternatives;
• Prioritize safety and use modern leak detection technology;
• Use a “fix it first” approach to gas infrastructure when cost effective; and,
• Give customers 2 years notice, so they have time to plan, before the utilities work in their home.
Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration for Improving our Shared Health (CHERISH) Our Communities Act (SB 978) - Lack of oversight has allowed the aggregation of polluting industries and facilities in specific places allowing MD natural habitats and underserved populations to be overexposed to pollution.
This legislation will give the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) the authority to approve, alter, or deny a permit based on an Environmental Justice Score, and an assessment of other permits and the underlying sociodemographic characteristics of the community.
Climate and Transportation Alignment Act (HB 84/SB 395) - Require the Maryland Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) six year capital budget to comply with Maryland goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2031 and reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita by investing in more clean transportation options including public transit, walking, and biking. This bill does not require any specific project. However, it does require the DoT to follow the requirements in the Climate Solutions Now Act by investing in projects that reduce greenhouse gases in the transportation sector.
The bill passed the House, the Senate committees, and second reader on the Senate floor last year. An informal workgroup of bill sponsors, advocates, and MDOT are discussing changes to the bill for the upcoming legislative session.
Bills of Interest:
Responding to Emergency Needs from Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act (HB 128/SB 149) - A $900M per year fee on 40 historical carbon polluters to pay for climate mitigation and adaptation. This bill would assess a fee of $1B per year for 9 years from the top 40 worldwide sources of greenhouse gases.
Access to Abundant Clean Energy (AACE) Act (HB 398/SB 316) - This bill focuses on increasing the sources of clean energy in Maryland. It covers batteries, solar, offshore wind, land-based wind, hydro, nuclear, and Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Reform. This is a very technical and “wonky” bill.
Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program (a.k.a. Maryland Bottle Bill) (HB 232/SB 346)- Establishes a returnable beverage program in Maryland, covering plastic, glass and metal containers. Customers would be charged a fee for each container purchased which would be refunded upon return. This would result in a reduction in litter and disposal of containers in landfills, increased recycling rates, and would be self-supporting.
The Better Buildings Act (HB 49/SB 256)- This was originally a component of the Climate Solutions Now Act which was pulled out at the last minute. The bill would require all new homes and buildings in the state to be built to produce zero scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions.
For more information, please contact Climate Change Issue Lead Phil Webster at
Subject | Bill Number | XFile Bill Number | Title | Sponsor | Status | Current Location | Priority | Position | Action | Synopsis |
Abundant Affordable Clean Energy | HB0398 | SB0316 | Abundant Affordable Clean Energy - Procurement and Development (AACE Act) | Delegate Charkoudian | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring each electric company in the State to submit to the Public Service Commission by certain dates plans for the construction or procurement of distribution-connected energy storage devices and to construct or procure the devices in accordance with the plan; providing for the creation of zero-emission credits by beneficial nuclear facilities; requiring the Commission to pursue certain coordinated approaches to offshore wind energy transmission development; etc. |
Abundant Affordable Clean Energy | SB0316 | HB0398 | Abundant Affordable Clean Energy - Procurement and Development (AACE Act) | Senator Brooks | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring each electric company in the State to submit to the Public Service Commission by certain dates plans for the construction or procurement of distribution-connected energy storage devices and to construct or procure the devices in accordance with the plan; providing for the creation of zero-emission credits by beneficial nuclear facilities; requiring the Commission to pursue certain coordinated approaches to offshore wind energy transmission development; etc. |
Climate Change Restitution Fund | HB0340 | Climate Change - Attorney General Actions, Climate Change Restitution Fund, and Climate Change Restitution Fund Advisory Council | Delegate Ruth | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Health and Government Operations | x | Support | Authorizing the Attorney General to investigate, commence, and prosecute or defend any suit or action that holds certain entities accountable for tortious or otherwise unlawful conduct that has contributed to climate change; establishing the Climate Change Restitution Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; establishing the Climate Change Restitution Fund Advisory Council to provide information to the Governor, the Attorney General, and the General Assembly on climate change and the distribution of the Fund; etc. | ||
Data Center Impact Analysis | HB0270 | SB0116 | Data Center Impact Analysis and Report | Delegate Crosby | First Reading Education, Energy, and the Environment | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Requiring the Department of the Environment, the Maryland Energy Administration, and the University of Maryland School of Business, in coordination with the Department of Legislative Services, to conduct an analysis of the likely environmental, energy, and economic impacts of data center development in the State; and requiring the Department of Legislative Services to coordinate preparation of the final report to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly by September 1, 2026. | |
Data Center Impact Analysis | SB0116 | HB0270 | Data Center Impact Analysis and Report | Senator Lewis Young | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Requiring the Department of the Environment, the Maryland Energy Administration, and the University of Maryland School of Business, in coordination with the Department of Legislative Services, to conduct an analysis of the likely environmental, energy, and economic impacts of data center development in the State; and requiring the Department of Legislative Services to coordinate preparation of the final report to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly by September 1, 2026. | |
Packing Materials - Producer Responsibility | SB0901 | Environment - Packaging Materials - Producer Responsibility Plans | Senator Augustine | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring certain producers of packaging materials, individually or as part of a producer responsibility organization, to submit a certain packaging materials producer responsibility plan to the Department of the Environment for review and approval on or before April 1, 2027, and every 5 years thereafter, in accordance with certain requirements. | |
Cherish Our Communities Act | HB1484 | SB0978 | Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration For Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act) | Delegate Lewis, J. | Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) | Environment and Transportation | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Applying certain public participation requirements to permits for projects that have been identified by the Department of the Environment as having an increased potential for adverse community environmental and public health impacts; requiring a person applying for certain environmental permits for certain projects with an increased potential to cause adverse community environmental and public health impacts to include in the permit application an environmental impact analysis; etc. |
Cherish Our Communities Act | SB0978 | HB1484 | Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration for Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act) | Senator Lam | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Applying certain public participation requirements to permits for projects that have been identified by the Department of the Environment as having an increased potential for adverse community environmental and public health impacts; requiring a person applying for certain environmental permits for certain projects with an increased potential to cause adverse community environmental and public health impacts to include in the permit application an environmental impact analysis; etc. |
Maryland Bottle Bill | HB0232 | SB0346 | Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program | Delegate Terrasa | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Establishing the Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program to increase the reuse and recycling of beverage containers and reduce the litter, pollution, and costs associated with beverage containers; prohibiting a producer from selling, offering for sale, or distributing in or importing into the State a redeemable beverage container unless the producer is registered with the Department of the Environment, pays a certain fee, and is part of a certain stewardship organization; etc. |
Maryland Bottle Bill | SB0346 | HB0232 | Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program | Senator Brooks | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Establishing the Maryland Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Program to increase the reuse and recycling of beverage containers and reduce the litter, pollution, and costs associated with beverage containers; prohibiting a producer from selling, offering for sale, or distributing in or importing into the State a redeemable beverage container unless the producer is registered with the Department of the Environment, pays a certain fee, and is part of a certain stewardship organization; etc. |
Better Buildings Act | HB0973 | SB0804 | Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2025) | Delegate Boafo | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt, by October 1, 2025, and as part of the Maryland Building Performance Standards, energy conservation requirements, an electric- and solar-ready standard for certain buildings, and a requirement that new buildings and significant improvements meet all laundry, water, and space heating demands of the building without the use of fossil fuels. |
Better Buildings Act | SB0804 | HB0973 | Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use, Energy Conservation, and Electric- and Solar-Ready Standards (Better Buildings Act of 2025) | Senator Brooks | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt, by October 1, 2025, and as part of the Maryland Building Performance Standards, energy conservation requirements, an electric- and solar-ready standard for certain buildings, and a requirement that new buildings and significant improvements meet all laundry, water, and space heating demands of the building without the use of fossil fuels. |
Natural Gas Ratepayer Protection | HB0419 | SB0998 | Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act) | Delegate Embry | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Altering the required contents of a certain plan that a gas company may file with the Public Service Commission for proposed eligible infrastructure replacement projects to include certain descriptions, demonstrations, analyses, and notifications; and altering the required findings of the Commission in considering whether to approve a certain infrastructure replacement plan. |
Natural Gas Ratepayer Protection | SB0998 | HB0419 | Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act) | Senator Washington, M. | Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Altering the required contents of a certain plan that a gas company may file with the Public Service Commission for proposed eligible infrastructure replacement projects to include certain descriptions, demonstrations, analyses, and notifications; and altering the required findings of the Commission in considering whether to approve a certain infrastructure replacement plan. |
RENEW Act | HB0128 | SB0149 | Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2025 | Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Payment Program in the Department of the Environment to secure payments from certain businesses that extract fossil fuels or refine petroleum products in order to provide a source of revenue for State efforts to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change and to address the health impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations; establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Fund to support efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change; etc. |
RENEW Act | SB0149 | HB0128 | Responding to Emergency Needs From Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act of 2025 | Senator Hester | Voting session 2/27 at 4:00 p.m. | Education, Energy, and the Environment | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Payment Program in the Department of the Environment to secure payments from certain businesses that extract fossil fuels or refine petroleum products in order to provide a source of revenue for State efforts to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change and to address the health impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations; establishing the Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Fund to support efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change; etc. |
Climate & Transportation Alignment | SB0395 | HB0084 | Transportation - Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects and Impact Assessments (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2025) | Senator Hettleman | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Budget and Taxation | x | Support | Contact Senator on Committee | Requiring the Department of Transportation, as part of the planning and implementation of certain major highway expansion projects to develop and implement a corresponding multimodal transportation program; requiring the Department beginning with a certain Consolidated Transportation Program to evaluate certain major capital projects for their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled; requiring the Secretary of Transportation to perform certain capacity expansion impact assessments; etc. |
Climate & Transportation Alignment | HB0084 | SB0395 | Transportation – Major Highway Capacity Expansion Projects and Impact Assessments (Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2025) | Delegate Edelson | Voting session 3/6 at 2:00 p.m. | Appropriations | x | Support | Contact Delegate on Committee | Requiring the Department of Transportation, as part of the planning and implementation of certain major highway expansion projects to develop and implement a corresponding multimodal transportation program; requiring the Department beginning with a certain Consolidated Transportation Program to evaluate certain major capital projects for their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled; requiring the Secretary of Transportation to perform certain capacity expansion impact assessments; etc. |
Climate Solutions Now - Affordability | HB1451 | SB0779 | Climate Solutions Affordability Act of 2025 | Delegate Chisholm | Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) | Environment and Transportation | Oppose | Specifying that certain requirements under the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 are to be carried out to the extent economically practicable, including requirements concerning achieving certain direct greenhouse gas emissions reductions from certain buildings, measuring and reporting direct emissions data to the Department of the Environment, achieving certain greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, and achieving zero-emission vehicle goals relating to the State vehicle fleet and local school buses; etc. | ||
Climate Solutions Now - Affordability | SB0779 | HB1451 | Climate Solutions Now Act Affordability Act of 2025 | Senator Gallion | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Oppose | Specifying that certain requirements under the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 are to be carried out to the extent economically practicable, including requirements concerning achieving certain direct greenhouse gas emissions reductions from certain buildings, measuring and reporting direct emissions data to the Department of the Environment, achieving certain greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals, and achieving zero-emission vehicle goals relating to the State vehicle fleet and local school buses; etc. | ||
Community Solar - Subscriptions | SB1022 | HB1233 | Community Solar Energy Generating Systems - Subscription Eligibility | Senator Jackson, C. | Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Authorizing a certain LMI subscriber to hold a subscription to a community solar energy generating system located in a different electric service territory from the one in which the LMI subscriber resides; providing that a certain LMI subscriber shall receive the same bill credit value as an LMI subscriber who resides in a certain electric service territory; and requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a process for exchanging community solar bill credits between systems located in different electric service areas. | |||
Community Solar - Subsctiptions | HB1233 | SB1022 | Community Solar Energy Generating Systems - Subscription Eligibility | Delegate Johnson, A. | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Authorizing a certain LMI subscriber to hold a subscription to a community solar energy generating system located in a different electric service territory from the one in which the LMI subscriber resides; providing that a certain LMI subscriber shall receive the same bill credit value as an LMI subscriber who resides in a certain electric service territory; and requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a process for exchanging community solar bill credits between systems located in different electric service areas. | |||
Construction of Transmission Lines | HB1218 | SB0953 | Construction and Expansion of Transmission Lines and Task Force to Develop a Realistic Electricity Plan for Maryland | Delegate Buckel | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Establishing the Task Force to Develop a Realistic Electricity Plan for Maryland to study and make recommendations on the State's current and future electricity needs under various scenarios: prohibiting the Public Service Commission from approving the construction or expansion of transmission lines in the State from July 1, 2025, through May 1, 2026; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 31, 2025. | |||
Construction of Transmission Lines | SB0953 | HB1218 | Construction and Expansion of Transmission Lines and Task Force to Develop a Realistic Electricity Plan for Maryland | Senator West | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Establishing the Task Force to Develop a Realistic Electricity Plan for Maryland to study and make recommendations on the State's current and future electricity needs under various scenarios; and prohibiting the Public Service Commission from approving the construction or expansion of transmission lines in the State from July 1, 2025, through May 1, 2026. | |||
Repeal low-emission vehicle program | HB1258 | Consumer Goods - Restrictions Based on Energy Source - Prohibition (Energy Equality Act of 2025) | Delegate Arikan | Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) | Environment and Transportation | Oppose | Prohibiting a local government or unit of State government from restricting the sale, purchase, or use of a certain consumer good solely on the basis of the energy source used to power the consumer good; repealing provisions of law requiring the Department of the Environment to establish and maintain a certain low emissions vehicle program; repealing provisions of law requiring the Department to establish requirements for the sale of new zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles; and applying the Act retroactively. | |||
Ratepayer Protection-Global Warming | HB0903 | Courts - Global Warming and Climate Change - Prohibited Actions (Ratepayer Protection Act of 2025) | Delegate Buckel | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judiciary | Oppose | Prohibiting the State or a local government, or an agency of the State or a local government, from filing an action for monetary damages or alleged economic damages against a business for the adverse effects of global warming or climate change in the State. | |||
Clean Energy Procurement - Biogas | HB1417 | SB0480 | Department of General Services - Clean Energy Procurement Program - Establishment | Delegate Adams | Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. | Economic Matters | Requiring the Department of General Services, in consultation with the Maryland Green Purchasing Committee, the University System of Maryland, and the Maryland Clean Energy Center, to establish a Clean Energy Procurement Program in the Department on or before January 1, 2026; requiring the Department, in consultation with certain entities, to issue a certain solicitation for a biogas contract; authorizing the Department to enter into a contract to procure biogas; etc. | |||
Clean Energy Procurement - Biogas | SB0480 | HB1417 | Department of General Services - Clean Energy Procurement Program - Establishment | Senator Gallion | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Requiring the Department of General Services, in consultation with the Maryland Green Purchasing Committee, the University System of Maryland, and the Maryland Clean Energy Center, to establish a Clean Energy Procurement Program in the Department on or before January 1, 2026; requiring the Department, in consultation with certain entities, to issue a certain solicitation for a biogas contract; authorizing the Department to enter into a contract to procure biogas; etc. | |||
Solar Energy Project Sites - Planning | HB0904 | Department of Planning - Study on Solar Energy Project Sites | Delegate Moon | Hearing canceled | Economic Matters | Requiring the Department of Planning, in consultation with the Maryland Energy Administration, to conduct a study to identify and evaluate land owned by the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services for the siting of new solar energy projects; and requiring the Department to report its findings and recommendations on or before October 1, 2027. | ||||
Ecological Restoration | SB0722 | HB1155 | Department of the Environment - Definition of Ecological Restoration | Senator Henson | Third Reading Passed (44-0) | Senate Floor | Defining the term 'ecological restoration' as an activity undertaken with the goal of recovering, re-establishing, or enhancing a degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystem through specified measures; and requiring the Department of the Environment to update its regulations, as appropriate, to incorporate the definition of ecological restoration or be consistent with the definition of ecological restoration. | |||
Ecological Restoration | HB1155 | SB0722 | Department of the Environment - Ecological Restoration | Delegate Stein | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Defining the term 'ecological restoration' as an activity undertaken with the goal of recovering, re-establishing, or enhancing a degraded, damaged, or destroyed ecosystem through specified measures; and requiring the Department of the Environment to update its regulations, as appropriate, to incorporate the definition of ecological restoration or be consistent with the definition of ecological restoration. | |||
School Building Energy Usage Reports | HB0066 | SB0818 | Education - School Building Energy Usage - Monthly Report | Delegate Wu | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Appropriations | Requiring each county board of education to collect data on energy usage and report the data collected to the Interagency Commission on School Construction; requiring the Commission to adopt regulations specifying the data to be collected and the means and frequency of reporting; and requiring the Commission to analyze the data collected and provide recommendations for improving school building energy efficiency and usage. | |||
School Building Energy Usage Reports | SB0818 | HB0066 | Education - School Building Energy Usage - Monthly Report | Senator Watson | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Requiring each county board of education to collect data on energy usage and report the data collected to the Interagency Commission on School Construction; requiring the Commission to adopt regulations specifying the data to be collected and the means and frequency of reporting; and requiring the Commission to analyze the data collected and provide recommendations for improving school building energy efficiency and usage. | |||
EVs - Repeal of Excise Tax Credit | HB0216 | Electric Vehicles - Repeal of Excise Tax Credit and Establishment of Rebate Program | Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Repealing the electric vehicle excise tax credit; establishing the Electric Vehicle Rebate Program; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to establish a website to administer the program; requiring a participating dealer to provide a rebate in the form of a reduction of the vehicle's purchase price equal to the full amount of the rebate for which the vehicle purchased is eligible at the time the eligible vehicle is purchased; requiring the Administration to reimburse a dealer for rebates provided by the dealer; etc. | ||||
Electricity - Data Centers | HB0900 | Electricity - Data Centers - Rate Schedule and Requirements | Delegate Wilson | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Requiring each electric company in the State to submit to the Public Service Commission for approval a specific rate schedule for certain data center customers with certain required provisions, including minimum durations, financial responsibilities, and fees. | ||||
ENERGIZE Maryland Act | HB0505 | SB0434 | Empowering New Energy Resources and Green Initiatives Toward a Zero-Emission (ENERGIZE) Maryland Act | Speaker | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Renaming the 'renewable energy portfolio standard' to be the 'clean energy portfolio standard'; altering the minimum required percentage of energy that must be derived from clean energy sources in certain years under the clean energy portfolio standard; altering the contents of and approval criteria for an application for an offshore wind project; establishing a process for the Public Service Commission to review and approve an application for a proposed nuclear energy generation project; etc. | |||
ENERGIZE Maryland Act | SB0434 | HB0505 | Empowering New Energy Resources and Green Initiatives Toward a Zero-Emission (ENERGIZE) Maryland Act | President | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Renaming the 'renewable energy portfolio standard' to be the 'clean energy portfolio standard'; altering the minimum required percentage of energy that must be derived from clean energy sources in certain years under the clean energy portfolio standard; altering the contents of and approval criteria for an application for an offshore wind project; establishing a process for the Public Service Commission to review and approve an application for a proposed nuclear energy generation project; etc. | |||
Energy Resource Adequacy and Planning | HB1037 | SB0909 | Energy Resource Adequacy and Planning Act | Delegate Crosby | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Establishing the Integrated Resource Planning Office in the Public Service Commission; requiring the Office to develop a Comprehensive Energy Forecast and conduct a certain study to support the development of the Forecast; requiring the Office, in consultation with the Commission and the Maryland Energy Administration, to complete certain energy modeling; and requiring the Commission, in consultation with the Office, to adopt regulations requiring each electric company to develop a certain integrated resource plan. | |||
Energy Resource Adequacy and Planningy | SB0909 | HB1037 | Energy Resource Adequacy and Planning Act | Senator Hester | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Establishing the Integrated Resource Planning Office in the Public Service Commission; requiring the Office to develop a Comprehensive Energy Forecast and conduct a certain study to support the development of the Forecast; requiring the Office, in consultation with the Commission and the Maryland Energy Administration, to complete certain energy modeling; and requiring the Commission, in consultation with the Office, to adopt regulations requiring each electric company to develop a certain integrated resource plan. | |||
Agricultural Buildings - Energy Standards | SB0778 | Environment - Building Energy Performance Standards - Agricultural Buildings | Senator Gallion | Unfavorable Report by Education, Energy, and the Environment; Withdrawn | Prohibiting the Department of the Environment from requiring an owner, lessor, lessee, or operator of an agricultural building to apply to the Department for an exemption from certain building energy performance standards. | |||||
Building Energy Performance Standards | HB0049 | SB0256 | Environment - Building Energy Performance Standards - Compliance and Reporting | Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee | Subcommittee work session 3/5 at 6:00 p.m. | Environment and Transportation | Support | Altering an annual compliance fee paid by certain owners of covered buildings under certain circumstances to include the energy use attributable to the building's failure to meet certain energy targets; requiring certain regulations to include a certain annual reporting fee to cover certain costs; and requiring the Department of the Environment to deposit alternative compliance fees into the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund. | ||
Building Energy Performance Standards | SB0256 | HB0049 | Environment - Building Energy Performance Standards - Compliance and Reporting | Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Support | Altering an annual compliance fee paid by certain owners of covered buildings under certain circumstances to include the energy use attributable to the building's failure to meet certain energy targets; requiring certain regulations to include a certain annual reporting fee to cover certain costs; and requiring the Department of the Environment to deposit alternative compliance fees into the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund. | ||
Coal Combustion By-Products - Fees, etc. | HB0902 | SB0425 | Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products - Fees, Coordinating Committee, and Regulations | Delegate Lehman | Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m. (Environment and Transportation) | Environment and Transportation | Providing that a certain base fee established by the Department of the Environment that is paid by a certain generator of coal combustion by-products is not less than $2.30 per ton; altering the factors that the Department is required to consider in establishing the fee; establishing the Statewide Coal Combustion By-Products Coordinating Committee to share information, monitoring results, and certain remedial actions with respect to certain coal combustion by-product sites; etc. | |||
Coal Combustion By-Products - Fees, etc. | SB0425 | HB0902 | Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products - Fees, Coordinating Committee, and Regulations | Senator Jackson, M. | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Providing that a certain base fee established by the Department of the Environment that is paid by a certain generator of coal combustion by-products is not less than $2.30 per ton; altering the factors that the Department is required to consider in establishing the fee; establishing the Statewide Coal Combustion By-Products Coordinating Committee to share information, monitoring results, and certain remedial actions with respect to certain coal combustion by-product sites; etc. | |||
Battery Stewardship Act | SB0686 | Environment - Extended Producer Responsibility for Batteries and Battery-Containing Products (Battery Stewardship Act) | Senator Augustine | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Requiring certain producers of batteries and battery-containing products to individually or as part of a battery stewardship organization submit a certain battery stewardship plan to the Department of the Environment for review and approval by July 1, 2026, and every 5 years thereafter, in accordance with certain requirements; requiring a battery stewardship program to be implemented within a certain amount of time after the Department approves a certain battery stewardship plan; etc. | ||||
Local Building Energy Performance Standards | SB0807 | Environment - Local Building Energy Performance Standards - Authorization | Senator Kramer | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Authorizing counties to adopt local building energy performance standards that are at least as stringent as certain standards adopted by the Department of the Environment if the standards are approved by the Department; authorizing a county to enforce local building energy performance standards; and exempting a covered building that is subject to certain local building energy performance standards from complying with certain statewide standards. | ||||
Local Recycling Requirments | HB0407 | Environment - Municipal Recycling Plans - Requirement | Delegate Edelson | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Requiring the largest municipal corporation in each county, beginning on or before January 1, 2026, and every 5 years thereafter, to adopt or update certain recycling plans that provide for a reduction through recycling of a certain percentage of the municipal corporation's solid waste stream by weight under certain circumstances; and requiring the Department of Planning to identify certain municipal corporations as part of certain population projections. | ||||
Nonprofit Loans | HB0145 | SB0105 | Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Program and Fund | Delegate Boafo | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Establishing the Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Program in the Maryland Energy Administration to provide financial assistance in the form of no-interest loans to nonprofit organizations for the planning, purchase, and installation of qualifying energy systems; establishing the Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Fund; altering the uses of the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund; authorizing the Governor to include $5,000,000 in the fiscal year 2027 budget for the Fund; etc. | |||
Nonprofit Loans | SB0105 | HB0145 | Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Program and Fund | Senator Kagan | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Budget and Taxation | Establishing the Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Program in the Maryland Energy Administration to provide financial assistance in the form of no-interest loans to nonprofit organizations for the planning, purchase, and installation of qualifying energy systems; establishing the Green and Renewable Energy for Nonprofit Organizations Loan Fund; altering the uses of the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund; authorizing the Governor to include $5,000,000 in the fiscal year 2027 budget for the Fund; etc. | |||
GRG Reductions - Loans | SB0247 | HB0155 | Housing and Community Development - Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions - Issuance of Loans and Achievement of Targets | Chair, Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Authorizing the Department of Housing and Community Development to issue loans, in addition to grants, for certain purposes relating to reducing direct greenhouse gas emissions from certain multifamily residential buildings; and expanding the sources of savings that the Department may include when calculating the achievement of certain greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. | |||
GRG Reductions - Loans | HB0155 | SB0247 | Housing and Community Development – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions – Issuance of Loans and Achievement of Targets | Chair, Environment and Transportation Committee | Favorable with Amendments Report by Environment and Transportation | House Floor | Authorizing the Department of Housing and Community Development to issue loans, in addition to grants, for certain purposes relating to reducing direct greenhouse gas emissions from certain multifamily residential buildings; and expanding the sources of savings that the Department may include when calculating the achievement of certain greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. | |||
Power Company Lobbying Costs-Recovery | HB0960 | Investor-Owned Electric, Gas, and Gas and Electric Companies - Cost Recovery - Limitations and Reporting Requirements (Ratepayer Freedom Act) | Delegate Johnson, A. | Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. | Economic Matters | Prohibiting an investor-owned electric company, gas company, or combination gas and electric company from recovering through rates certain costs, including certain costs associated with lobbying and political activities; and requiring certain public service companies to include in the annual report to the Public Service Commission certain costs related to certain activities. | ||||
Local Transit Systems Funding | HB0432 | SB0020 | Locally Operated Transit Systems - Mandatory Funding - Inflation Adjustment (Local Transit Sustainability Act) | Delegate Edelson | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Appropriations | Requiring that the amount that the Governor is required to include in the annual budget bill for the Locally Operated Transit System Grant Program be adjusted for future fiscal years based on growth in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. | |||
Local Transit Systems Funding | SB0020 | HB0432 | Locally Operated Transit Systems - Mandatory Funding - Inflation Adjustment (Local Transit Sustainability Act) | Senator McCray | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Budget and Taxation | Requiring that the amount that the Governor is required to include in the annual budget bill for the Locally Operated Transit System Grant Program be adjusted for future fiscal years based on growth in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. | |||
Building Energy Performance Standards | HB0212 | Maryland Building Performance Standards - Fossil Fuel Use and Electric-Ready Standards | Delegate Acevero | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt, on or before January 1, 2026, and as part of the Maryland Building Performance Standards, a requirement that new buildings meet all energy demands of the building without the use of fossil fuels and an electric-ready standard for certain buildings. | ||||
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure | HB0897 | Maryland Department of Transportation - Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Expansion - Plans and Programs | Delegate Moon | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Requiring the Maryland Department of Transportation, in consultation with the Maryland Energy Administration, to make certain estimations and determinations regarding electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging infrastructure; requiring the Department, in consultation with the Maryland Energy Administration, to develop plans and implement programs to increase the electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the State; etc. | ||||
Green Schools Stewardship Act | HB0540 | Maryland Green Schools - Website, Outreach, and Designations (Green Schools Stewardship Act) | Delegate Wolek | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Ways and Means | Requiring the Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education to update, by March 1, 2027, and maintain a certain website; requiring the Association to conduct certain outreach efforts with a certain frequency; requiring the Department of Natural Resources, in collaboration with the State Department of Education and in consultation with other relevant parties, to establish criteria for designating green schools in the State as green schools mentor schools; etc. | ||||
Customer-Sited Solar Program | HB1273 | Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund and Customer-Sited Solar Program - Alterations | Chair, Economic Matters Committee | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Authorizing the use of the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund for grants and loans for building electrification and transportation electrification; altering the allowed uses of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative auction revenue and certain compliance fee revenue; altering certain reporting requirements for the Fund; and altering the definition of 'low to moderate income' for purposes of the Customer-Sited Solar Program. | ||||
Natural Gas Generating Facilities | HB1217 | SB0950 | Natural Gas Generating Facilities - Authorization | Delegate Buckel | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Authorizing the construction, permitting, and operation of natural gas generating facilities in the State until the State meets 50% of its energy needs from renewable energy resources; and requiring the Maryland Energy Administration to work with the owners and operators of natural gas generating facilities in the State to decrease the production of energy from natural gas after the State meets 50% of its energy needs from renewable energy resources. | |||
Natural Gas Generating Facilities | SB0950 | HB1217 | Natural Gas Generating Facilities - Authorization | Senator West | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Authorizing the construction, permitting, and operation of natural gas generating facilities in the State until the State meets 50% its energy needs from renewable energy resources; and requiring the Maryland Energy Administration to work with the owners and operators of natural gas generating facilities in the State to decrease the production of energy from natural gas after the State meets 50% its energy needs from renewable energy resources. | |||
Food Forests and Foraging | HB0257 | SB0317 | Natural Resources - Food Forests and Foraging Program - Establishment | Delegate Charkoudian | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Establishing a Food Forests and Foraging Program on areas owned or managed by the Department of Natural Resources; defining 'foraging' as harvesting plant materials, including seeds, nuts, mushrooms, roots, tubers, and berries for noncommercial personal consumption; requiring individuals who forage in a food forest to obtain a permit; requiring the Department to charge a permit application fee and establish a fee waiver process for individuals who demonstrate financial need; establishing the Food Forests and Foraging Fund; etc. | |||
Food Forests and Foraging | SB0317 | HB0257 | Natural Resources - Food Forests and Foraging Program - Establishment | Senator Lewis Young | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Establishing a Food Forests and Foraging Program on areas owned or managed by the Department of Natural Resources; defining 'foraging' as harvesting plant materials, including seeds, nuts, mushrooms, roots, tubers, and berries for noncommercial personal consumption; requiring individuals who forage in a food forest to obtain a permit; requiring the Department to charge a permit application fee and establish a fee waiver process for individuals who demonstrate financial need; establishing the Food Forests and Foraging Fund; etc. | |||
Offshore Wind-Aircraft Detection Systems | SB0753 | Offshore Wind Turbines and Accessory Installations - Aircraft Detection Lighting Systems | Senator Kramer | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Requiring, beginning October 1, 2025, that any wind turbine and accessory installation associated with a qualified offshore wind project or an offshore wind transmission project be installed with an aircraft detection lighting system approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. | ||||
Hydraulic Fracturing - Authorization | SB0878 | Oil and Natural Gas - Hydraulic Fracturing - Authorization | Senator Hershey | Hearing canceled | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Oppose | Authorizing a person to engage in the hydraulic fracturing of a well for the exploration or production of oil or natural gas in the State. | |||
Condemnation-power lines for renewables | HB1396 | SB0737 | Property Rights Protection Act of 2025 | Delegate Rose | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Oppose | Prohibiting certain persons from exercising a right of condemnation to acquire property for the purpose of constructing a power line or a certain generating station that produces electricity from wind energy or solar energy; and prohibiting the State or any of its instrumentalities or political subdivisions from acquiring by condemnation property that is encumbered by certain conservation easements or will be used for the construction of a power line or a certain generating station. | ||
Condemnation-power lines for renewables | SB0737 | HB1396 | Property Rights Protection Act of 2025 | Senator Folden | Hearing 3/11 at 1:00 p.m. | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Oppose | Prohibiting certain persons from exercising a right of condemnation to acquire property for the purpose of constructing a power line or a generating station that produces electricity from wind energy or solar energy; and prohibiting the State or any of its instrumentalities or political subdivisions from acquiring by condemnation property that is encumbered by certain conservation easements or will be used for the construction of a power line or a certain generating station. | ||
Analysis - Sources of Electricity Generation | HB1149 | SB0675 | Public Service Commission - Full Costs and Benefits Analysis of Sources of Electricity Generation | Delegate Adams | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Requiring the Public Service Commission to conduct an analysis of the full costs and benefits of sources of electricity generation in the State; requiring the Commission to include recommended policy changes to support the development of energy sources with the lowest costs and greatest benefits to the ratepayers of the State; and requiring the Commission to reports its findings and recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 1, 2026. | |||
Analysis - Sources of Electricity Generation | SB0675 | HB1149 | Public Service Commission - Full Costs and Benefits Analysis of Sources of Electricity Generation | Senator Carozza | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Requiring the Public Service Commission to conduct an analysis of the full costs and benefits of sources of electricity generation in the State; requiring the Commission to include recommended policy changes to support the development of energy sources with the lowest costs and greatest benefits to the ratepayers of the State; and requiring the Commission to reports its findings and recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 1, 2026. | |||
Renewable Energy Generation - Targets | HB0595 | Public Service Commission - Renewable Energy Generation - Targets (Maryland Energy Independence Act) | Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo | Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters; Withdrawn | Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish certain targets for electricity production from renewable energy resources located in the State; and setting a target of 50% of all electricity sold in the State coming from electricity produced from renewable energy resources located in the State by 2030, 70% by 2035, and 80% by 2040. | |||||
Transmission Line Siting - Limitations | SB0853 | Public Service Commission - Transmission Line Siting - Limitations | Senator Lewis Young | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Prohibiting the Public Service Commission from authorizing, and a person from undertaking, the construction of an overhead transmission line outside of an existing transmission line right-of-way unless the applicant adequately demonstrates to the Commission that existing transmission line rights-of-way are not sufficient for the proposed overhead transmission line. | ||||
Energy Storage Devices | HB1338 | Public Utilities - Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity - Energy Storage Devices | Delegate Valderrama | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Requiring a person to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Public Service Commission before beginning construction of an energy storage device with a minimum energy storage capacity of 2 megawatts. | ||||
Affordable Grid Act | HB1225 | SB0908 | Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Plans - Establishment (Affordable Grid Act) | Delegate Qi | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Requiring the Public Service Commission to adopt regulations or issue orders on or before December 31, 2025, that require electric companies to, every 3 years, develop an electric system distribution plan to be approved by the Commission and provide the Commission with annual progress reports; requiring the Commission to adopt regulations or issue orders adopting certain metrics to monitor and assess electric distribution system plans; requiring an electric company to provide certain public comment opportunities; etc. | |||
Affordable Grid Act | SB0908 | HB1225 | Public Utilities - Electric Distribution System Plans - Establishment (Affordable Grid Act) | Senator Hester | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Requiring the Public Service Commission to adopt regulations or issue orders on or before December 31, 2025, that require electric companies to, every 3 years, develop an electric system distribution plan to be approved by the Commission and provide the Commission with annual progress reports; requiring the Commission to adopt regulations or issue orders adopting certain metrics to monitor and assess electric distribution system plans; requiring an electric company to provide certain public comment opportunities; etc. | |||
Next Generation Energy - Nuclear | HB1035 | SB0937 | Public Utilities - Electricity Generation Planning - Procurement, Permitting, and Co-Location (Next Generation Energy Act) | Speaker | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Requiring the Maryland Energy Administration, in coordination with the Public Service Commission and the Department of Natural Resources, to pursue certain agreements with neighboring states and federal agencies related to the development of new nuclear energy generation stations; prohibiting an electricity supplier or other owner of a certain generating station from entering into a certain contract with a commercial or industrial customer under certain circumstances; etc. | |||
Next Generation Energy - Nuclear | SB0937 | HB1035 | Public Utilities - Electricity Generation Planning - Procurement, Permitting, and Co-Location (Next Generation Energy Act) | President | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Requiring the Maryland Energy Administration, in coordination with the Public Service Commission and the Department of Natural Resources, to pursue certain agreements with neighboring states and federal agencies related to the development of new nuclear energy generation stations; prohibiting an electricity supplier or other owner of a certain generating station from entering into a certain contract with a commercial or industrial customer under certain circumstances; etc. | |||
Energy Generating - Natural Gas, etc. | HB1329 | SB0643 | Public Utilities - Energy Generation and Transmission | Delegate Reilly | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Oppose | Stating the authority to construct, permit, and operate in the State an energy generating system that produces energy from natural gas; authorizing investor-owned electric companies and electricity suppliers in the State to construct, acquire, or lease and operate their own generating facilities and construct, acquire, or lease, and operate, certain transmission facilities; stating the General Assembly's support for the development of additional nuclear energy in the State; etc. | ||
Renewable Energy Certainty Act | HB1036 | SB0931 | Public Utilities - Generating Stations - Generation and Siting (Renewable Energy Certainty Act) | Delegate Wilson | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Altering the factors the Public Service Commission must consider before taking final action on a certificate of public convenience and necessity; establishing certain requirements for the construction of a certain solar energy generating station or energy storage device; requiring the Commission to conduct a certain study to establish a process by which the Commission may establish partnerships between electric companies and electricity suppliers for electricity generation projects; etc. | |||
Renewable Energy Certainty Act | SB0931 | HB1036 | Public Utilities - Generating Stations - Generation and Siting (Renewable Energy Certainty Act) | Senator Feldman | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Altering the factors the Public Service Commission must consider before taking final action on a certificate of public convenience and necessity; establishing certain requirements for the construction of a certain solar energy generating station or energy storage device; requiring the Commission to conduct a certain study to establish a process by which the Commission may establish partnerships between electric companies and electricity suppliers for electricity generation projects; etc. | |||
Natural Gas Energy Generation | HB0213 | Public Utilities - Natural Gas Energy Generation - Authorization and Limitation | Delegate Mangione | Unfavorable Report by Economic Matters; Withdrawn | Oppose | Authorizing the construction, permitting, and operation of energy generating systems that produce energy from natural gas until the State meets 100% of its energy needs from renewable energy resources, including nuclear energy; establishing certain requirements for energy generating systems that produce energy from natural gas; requiring the Department of the Environment to approve or deny an application for the construction of a new energy generating system that produces energy from natural gas; etc. | ||||
Renewable Energy - Nuclear Energy | SB0716 | Public Utilities - Nuclear Energy - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Procurement (Decarbonization Infrastructure Solutions Act of 2025) | Senator Brooks | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Altering the renewable energy portfolio standard; including nuclear energy generated by certain nuclear energy reactors as a Tier 1 renewable source; establishing a certified nuclear renewable energy credit for use in meeting certain renewable energy portfolio standard requirements; establishing a procurement process for the Public Service Commission to evaluate and approve an application for nuclear energy generation projects; etc. | ||||
Solar Energy Generating-Eminent Domain | HB0742 | SB0640 | Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Stations - Eminent Domain | Delegate Ghrist | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Prohibiting a person constructing a solar energy generating station from exercising a right of condemnation in connection with that construction. | |||
Solar Energy Generating-Eminent Domain | SB0640 | HB0742 | Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Stations - Eminent Domain | Senator Gallion | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Prohibiting a person constructing a solar energy generating station from exercising a right of condemnation in connection with that construction. | |||
Solar Energy Generating-Local Approval | HB0739 | SB0478 | Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Stations - Local Approval | Delegate Ghrist | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Oppose | Prohibiting the Public Service Commission from approving a certificate of public convenience and necessity for a solar energy generating station unless the Commission receives written approval for the construction of the generating station from each county or municipal corporation where the generating station is proposed to be located. | ||
Solar Energy Generating-Local Approval | SB0478 | HB0739 | Public Utilities - Solar Energy Generating Stations - Local Approval | Senator Gallion | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Oppose | Prohibiting the Public Service Commission from approving a certificate of public convenience and necessity for a solar energy generating station unless the Commission receives written approval for the construction of the generating station from each county or municipal corporation where the generating station is proposed to be located. | ||
Energy Generating - Natural Gas, etc. | SB0643 | HB1329 | Public Utilities – Energy Generation | Senator Gallion | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Oppose | Stating the authority to construct, permit, and operate in the State an energy generating system that produces energy from natural gas; stating the General Assembly's support for the development of additional nuclear energy in the State; and stating that the General Assembly encourages PJM Interconnection, LLC to provide an expedited interconnection process for new thermal generation resources in the State. | ||
Reclaim Renewable Energy | HB0220 | SB0010 | Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Eligible Sources - Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2025) | Delegate Stewart | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Economic Matters | Altering the definition of 'Tier 1 renewable source' for purposes of excluding energy derived from waste and refuse from being eligible for inclusion in the renewable energy portfolio standard; and applying the Act to all renewable energy portfolio standard compliance years starting on or after January 1, 2025. | |||
Reclaim Renewable Energy | SB0010 | HB0220 | Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Eligible Sources - Alterations (Reclaim Renewable Energy Act of 2025) | Senator Ferguson | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Altering the definition of 'Tier 1 renewable source' for purposes of excluding energy derived from waste and refuse from being eligible for inclusion in the renewable energy portfolio standard; and applying the Act to all renewable energy portfolio standard compliance years starting on or after January 1, 2025. | |||
Solar Collection Systems | HB0004 | SB0120 | Restrictions on Use - Solar Collector Systems - Alteration | Delegate Smith | First Reading Judicial Proceedings | Judicial Proceedings | Prohibiting a restriction on land use that increases the cost of installing a solar collector system by at least 5% over a certain cost or that reduces the efficiency of the system by at least 10% under a certain energy generation level; authorizing a community association to impose certain restrictions on the installation of solar collector systems in common areas or common elements; authorizing a community association to install a solar collector system in common areas or common elements under certain circumstances; etc. | |||
Solar Collection Systems | SB0120 | HB0004 | Restrictions on Use - Solar Collector Systems - Alteration | Senator Muse | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Judicial Proceedings | Prohibiting a restriction on land use that increases the cost of installing a solar collector system by at least 5% over a certain cost or that reduces the efficiency of the system by at least 10% under a certain energy generation level; authorizing a community association to impose certain restrictions on the installation of solar collector systems in common areas or common elements; authorizing a community association to install a solar collector system in common areas or common elements under certain circumstances; etc. | |||
Solar Energ-Cert. of Public Convenience | HB0827 | SB0983 | Solar Energy - Distributed Generation Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, Ground-Mounted Solar, and Small Solar Siting Workgroup | Delegate Clippinger | Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. | Economic Matters | Establishing a distributed generation certificate of public convenience and necessity to authorize the construction and operation of a certain distributed solar energy generating system; requiring the Power Plant Research Program, by July 1, 2026, to develop and submit to the Public Service Commission proposed siting and design requirements and licensing conditions; prohibiting a county from enacting certain zoning laws or adopting certain regulations regarding certain ground-mounted solar systems and facilities; etc. | |||
Solar Energy - Ground-Mounted Siting | SB0983 | HB0827 | Solar Energy - Distributed Generation Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, Ground-Mounted Solar, and Small Solar Siting Workgroup | Senator Brooks | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Education, Energy, and the Environment | Establishing a distributed generation certificate of public convenience and necessity to authorize the construction and operation of a certain distributed solar energy generating system; requiring the Power Plant Research Program, by July 1, 2026, to develop and submit to the Public Service Commission proposed siting and design requirements and licensing conditions; prohibiting a county from enacting certain zoning laws or adopting certain regulations regarding certain ground-mounted solar systems and facilities; etc. | |||
Transportation Priorities | SB0198 | HB0020 | Transportation - Consolidated Transportation Program - Prioritization (Transportation Investment Priorities Act of 2025) | Chair, Budget and Taxation Committee | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Budget and Taxation | Altering the required elements of the Consolidated Transportation Program and Maryland Transportation Plan; requiring a certain advisory committee to advise the Department of Transportation on the Maryland Transportation Plan; requiring the Department to develop a certain project-based scoring system and solicit requests from certain entities for major surface transportation projects; requiring the Department to evaluate and score certain major surface transportation projects; etc. | |||
MARC Rail Authority Act | HB0517 | SB0401 | Transportation - Maryland Area Rail Commuter Rail Authority - Establishment (MARC Rail Authority Act of 2025) | Delegate Korman | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Environment and Transportation | Establishing the Maryland Area Rail Commuter (MARC) Rail Authority and the powers and duties of the MARC Rail Authority, acting on behalf of the Department of Transportation, with respect to the supervision, construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of MARC railroad facilities projects; authorizing the MARC Rail Authority to issue certain revenue bonds to finance the cost of MARC railroad facilities; establishing the MARC Rail Authority Fund; and requiring certain funds and revenues to be deposited in the Fund. | |||
MARC Rail Authority Act | SB0401 | HB0517 | Transportation - Maryland Area Rail Commuter Rail Authority - Establishment (MARC Rail Authority Act of 2025) | Senator McCray | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Budget and Taxation | Establishing the Maryland Area Rail Commuter (MARC) Rail Authority and the powers and duties of the MARC Rail Authority, acting on behalf of the Department of Transportation, with respect to the supervision, construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of MARC railroad facilities projects; authorizing the MARC Rail Authority to issue certain revenue bonds to finance the cost of MARC railroad facilities; establishing the MARC Rail Authority Fund; and requiring certain funds and revenues to be deposited in the Fund. | |||
Transportation Priorities | HB0020 | SB0198 | Transportation – Consolidated Transportation Program – Prioritization (Transportation Investment Priorities Act of 2025) | Chair, Appropriations Committee | Hearing held; awaiting committee vote | Appropriations | Altering the required elements of the Consolidated Transportation Program and Maryland Transportation Plan; requiring a certain advisory committee to advise the Department of Transportation on the Maryland Transportation Plan; requiring the Department to develop a certain project-based scoring system and solicit requests from certain entities for major surface transportation projects; requiring the Department to evaluate and score certain major surface transportation projects; etc. |